More Korean banks keep shutting down as regulators get serious about staving off a run on retail deposits. So far, the market has held up like a rock. The tally of savings banks suspended from normal operation in the last month now stands at seven, of which six -- including the biggest Korean institution in its class, Busan Savings Bank -- have come in the last week.Koreanska Joong Ang Daily skriver dock idag att det verkar ha lugnat ner sig igår och idag, se diagrammet till höger över uttagen.
Läs Zero Hedge idag som refererar en tidigare artikel från Joong Ang Daily.
Domin Bank, which has six branches in Gangwon, was placed on a watch list last week by the Financial Services Commission. The move triggered a bank run on Domin Bank.Banken sattes alltså upp på den koreanska finansinspektionens bevakningslista, vilket ledde till uttagsanstormning mot banken.
Domin Bank, a savings bank with a capital adequacy ratio below 5 percent, voluntarily decided yesterday to suspend its operations temporarily because of massive withdrawals.
The decision took both depositors and financial regulators by surprise since it was the first time that a local bank shut its doors on its own.
Läs även ZeroHedge från i måndags och China Post från i söndags.
South Korea suspended operations at four more savings banks on Saturday after runs developed as customers rushed to get at their money despite official assurances the financial sector was secure.Och första notisen på ZeroHedge i fredags.
The port city of Busan has emerged as the epicenter in the savings bank crisis after operations of the Busan Savings Bank group were suspended due to a capital shortage.
Uttagsanstormning... det ger mig en flashback till hösten 2007 och brittiska Northern Rock. Brittiska komikerna Bird och Fortune gjorde en träffsäker sketch om den - se den!
Och gatuprotester i Nordkorea
I världens troligen mest totalitära stat Nordkorea har det varit protester mot elavbrott och matbrist.
"Vi kan inte leva! Ge oss ljus! Ge oss ris!"Smått sensationellt. Kan vara värt att hålla koll på.
Det är bara att inse: Det är en intressant tid vi lever i. Det skrivs historia nästan dag för dag.